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Extract Block IQ measurement from a Tektronix RSA. This block should also work with compatible Tektronix RSAXXX instruments. Tested with RSA507a. Params: dll_file : File, default=C:/Tektronix/RSA_API/lib/x64/RSA_API.dll Where the RSA_API.dll file is located. center_freq : float, default=100e6 The center frequency, in Hz. ref_level : float, default=-30 The reference level (the maximum y axis value), in dBm. record_length : float, default=1e3 The length to record (length of x axis), in ms. bandwidth : float, default=5e5 Resolution bandwidth, in Hz. Returns: I_real : OrderedPair x: time y: power Q_imag : OrderedPair x: time y: power
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, DataContainer, OrderedPair, File
from typing import Optional, TypedDict
from flojoy.instruments.tektronix.RSA_API import *  # noqa: F403
from ctypes import cdll, c_int, c_bool, c_double, c_float, byref, create_string_buffer
import numpy as np

class IQSplitOutput(TypedDict):
    I_real: OrderedPair
    Q_imag: OrderedPair

def BLOCK_IQ_RSA500(
    dll_file: File,
    input: Optional[DataContainer] = None,
    center_freq: float = 100e6,
    ref_level: float = -30,
    record_length: float = 1e3,
    bandwidth: float = 5e5,
) -> IQSplitOutput:
    """Extract Block IQ measurement from a Tektronix RSA.

    This block should also work with compatible Tektronix RSAXXX instruments.

    Tested with RSA507a.

    dll_file : File, default=C:/Tektronix/RSA_API/lib/x64/RSA_API.dll
        Where the RSA_API.dll file is located.
    center_freq : float, default=100e6
        The center frequency, in Hz.
    ref_level : float, default=-30
        The reference level (the maximum y axis value), in dBm.
    record_length : float, default=1e3
        The length to record (length of x axis), in ms.
    bandwidth : float, default=5e5
        Resolution bandwidth, in Hz.

    I_real: OrderedPair
        x: time
        y: power
    Q_imag: OrderedPair
        x: time
        y: power

    # Connect to RSA
    rsa = cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_file.unwrap())

    numFound = c_int(0)
    intArray = c_int * DEVSRCH_MAX_NUM_DEVICES  # noqa: F405
    deviceIDs = intArray()
    deviceSerial = create_string_buffer(DEVSRCH_SERIAL_MAX_STRLEN)  # noqa: F405
    deviceType = create_string_buffer(DEVSRCH_TYPE_MAX_STRLEN)  # noqa: F405
    apiVersion = create_string_buffer(DEVINFO_MAX_STRLEN)  # noqa: F405


    err_check(rsa.DEVICE_Search(byref(numFound), deviceIDs, deviceSerial, deviceType))

    # note: the API can only currently access one at a time
    # Connects to first available

    # Configure spectrum
    cf = center_freq
    refLevel = ref_level
    iq_bw = bandwidth
    record_length = int(record_length)

    # Create array of time data for plotting IQ vs time
    iqSampleRate = c_double(0)
    time = np.linspace(0, record_length / iqSampleRate.value, record_length)

    # Acquire data
    record_length = int(record_length)
    ready = c_bool(False)
    iqArray = c_float * record_length
    iData = iqArray()
    qData = iqArray()
    outLength = 0
    while not ready.value:
        rsa.IQBLK_WaitForIQDataReady(c_int(100), byref(ready))
        byref(iData), byref(qData), byref(c_int(outLength)), c_int(record_length)

    return IQSplitOutput(
        I_real=OrderedPair(x=time, y=np.array(iData)),
        Q_imag=OrderedPair(x=time, y=np.array(qData)),

def err_check(rs):
    if ReturnStatus(rs) != ReturnStatus.noError:  # noqa: F405
        raise RSAError(ReturnStatus(rs).name)  # noqa: F405

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In this example, Flojoy was used to extract I/Q data from a Tektronix RSA500.

First the necessary blocks were added:

  • 2x LINE

Connect the blocks as shown an run the app. See here for further technical explaination.